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Internal Control Institute Store

Check out the CICS and CICP certifications, the CICS Common Body of Knowledge and our
online training courses that can enhance your business skills and marketability.

Learn more about our products by clicking on the Learn More button for each product below.

ICI Annual Membership - Subscription

$50.00 USD every year

ICI membership has been specifically designed to help internal control professionals to keep abreast of information and activities in the internal control area.Ā  Sign up n...

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Special Combo Course Offer - Get The Discount!

$199.95 USD

This is a discounted offer for purchase of all 8 online training courses. Get all the training you need for one low price! You'll be a control specialist!

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ICI 12 Month Membership - One Time Payment

$50.00 USD

ICI membership has been specifically designed to help internal control professionals to keep abreast of information and activities in the internal control area. Sign up no...

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Certified Internal Control Specialist Certification

$300.00 USD

This is a rigorous certification of competence granted to individuals meeting requirements of the certification program. 

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Certified Internal Control Professional Certification

$400.00 USD

This is a senior-level, highly skilled internal control professional certification for qualified individuals. You can do this!

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Already have CICS? Upgrade to CICP certification. Upgrade now!

$100.00 USD

Upgrade your professionalism by obtaining CICP certification. Demonstrate that you are a highly skilled internal control professional!

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CICS Common Body of Knowledge

$175.00 USD

UPDATED! Become a world-class internal control specialist! The CBOK is an excellent certification study and reference manual provided in PDF read-only format.

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Internal Control Boot Camp Course

$29.95 USD

Begin your journey to internal control understanding. Take this course to get a good introduction toĀ internal control and corporate governance concepts.Ā These are two criti...

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Assessing Business System Controls Course

$29.95 USD

Become a business systems specialist. Take this course to learn how to assess the effectiveness of controls in a business system.

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Build an Environment For Business Controls Course

$29.95 USD

Master the levels of internal control. Take this course to learn the three levels of control and the interrelationships between each level.

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Identifying, Measuring, and Managing Risk Course

$29.95 USD

Take this course to learn how to identify business system risks, and the points where loss is most likely to occur.

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Risk Assessment Course

$29.95 USD

Help protect your business against risk. Take this course to learn how to identify the most common risks in business systems and automated business environments.

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